Welcome to the Interactive Health Data Application

Alberta Health has designed this site to provide information on health status and determinants of health. The Interactive Health Data Application (IHDA) contains many health statistics (indicators) on a variety of health-related topics such as demographics, mortality, chronic and infectious disease, and children's health.

The IHDA has two components: IHDA Data and IHDA Geographic. IHDA Data enables users to filter and view health indicators in table format, and export the resulting data into a csv file for further use. IHDA Geographic allows users to explore data at varying geographic levels within an interactive map.

A user can return to this page by selecting the "Interactive Health Data Application" link located at the top portion of each screen.

IHDA Geographic

The IHDA Geographic website displays Alberta-centered health data (health status, determinants of health, etc.) in an interactive map display based on geographic locations across Alberta.

IHDA Geographic uses the same data found at the table-based IHDA Data website to present some specific health data sets.

Go to the IHDA Geographic


The IHDA data website provides information in table format on health status and determinants of health of Albertans.

The IHDA contains many health statistics (indicators) on a variety of health-related topics such as demographics, mortality, chronic and infectious disease, and children's health.

Go to the IHDA Data